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Our Story


In The Beginning

Lisa Eilbracht always dreamed of owning her own coffee shop. When her children were in elementary school she worked as a teacher there, but continued dreaming of a day that she could open her own place. Lisa volunteered to watch after the children during their recess frequently and one of those days a little girl told her that she smelled like gingersnaps. That was an odd thing for a little girl to say and for that reason, it always stuck in Lisa's mind. 


As her children grew, she left her job at the school and decided to give her dreams a trial run by working at a small cafe. She really enjoyed her job there which motivated her even more to continue following her dreams. After working at the cafe for a few years, Lisa began putting together a business plan. She prayed and prayed. When thinking of a location, The Open Door Christian Bookstore came into her mind. Thinking she was crazy to approach the bookstore with her idea, she did it anyway and to her surprise, she was exactly who they were looking for. Her prayers were answered.


When thinking of a business name, Gingersnaps stuck out in her mind ever since the little girl mentioned it all those years ago. In 2008, Gingersnaps became official. The grand opening was an experience that will not be forgotten and the little girl who inspired the name of her business was there to witness the impact that she had on this dream that became reality.


Gingersnaps isn't just a coffee shop.

It is a dream that became reality, a prayer that was answered, and a feeling of home for every customer. 

Meet The Owner

Lisa Eilbracht


Has an obsession with coffee flavors and making sure every customer is satisfied. 

Favorite Drink: Strong  Brewed Coffee
Favorite Food: Custom Salad with fruit, veggies and vinaigrette dressing 


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